JSmol Editor

  1. Load Molecule by Name - will search the NIH Cactus server and return a structure based on name or CAS ID number
  2. Templates - a number of common structures
  3. Append - this will add an additional structure to one already in the JSmol window. You will need to delete two H atoms and use the "New Bond" button to create a new bond between the two molecules before doing an optimization
  4. Load Methane/Cyclohexane/Benzene - will load one of the molecules
  5. Optimize Structure - will preform a MMFF geometry optimization of the existing structure
Atom Manipulation
  1. Off - turns off individual atom manipulation
  2. Drag Atom - allow you to move an atom followed by a optimization to generate a dirrent conformation of the molecule
  3. Delete Atom - deletes a single atom
  4. Small Periodic Table of elements - allows you to change an existing atom type
Existing Bond Manipulation

Allows you to manipulate existing bonds by breaking them or changing between single double and triple bonds.

Create New Bond

Allows you to create a new bond between an exisiting molecule and one you appended.

  1. ESP Surface - will generate an Electrostatic potential surface mapped onto the total electron density surface. Note charges are from MMFF
  2. Partial Atomic Charges - will display the partial atomic charge from MMFF
  3. Save PDB file - will save your molecule in a PDB file format for download
  4. Save MOL File - will save your molecule is a mol file foramt for download
Saturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons

Saturated Polycyclic Hydrocarbons


Functional Groups

Saturated Cyclic Hydrocarbons

Saturated Polycyclic Hydrocarbons


Functional Groups



Atom Manipulation

Existing Bond Manipulation

Create New Bond


© 2019 R. Spinney